portrait of artist Dejah Payne

Dejah Payne

Cartoonist. Designer. Zinester.

Dejah Payne is a queer comix artist and amateur folklorist practicing the Symbolist traditions of her spiritual ancestors. In her spare time, she can be found enjoying pizza, horror films, board games, dream analysis, mini-golf, and hobbyist computing. Florida born and Georgia raised, Dejah currently resides in Maryland, where she talks to ghosts in her sleep.

You can buy her books on Amazon, Etsy, and Itch.io.

Become a monthly patron through Dejah Payne's Patreon Read Dejah Payne's blog Visit Dejah's shop on Etsy Read Dejah by Dejah Payne Princezz series of books Thistles series of books

2025 Schedule of appearances & releases

Indie Comics Creator Con - New Haven, CT
New Book Releases in the Etsy shop